Understanding and Integrating the Ontario Practice Model is a series of webcasts exploring the integration of the three frameworks that together form the Ontario Practice Model (OPM): Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (SAFE); Parent Resources for Information, Development and Education (PRIDE); and Ontario Looking After Children (OnLAC).
Using the themes of Teamwork, Permanence, Culture and Identity and Well-Being, this four-part webcast series demonstrates how the three frameworks of the OPM are integrated to support a whole-agency approach to strengthening in-care services for infants, children and youth.
This webcast series is intended to be used with:
- New staff and students to help with their orientation to Child Welfare services
- Agency teams to provide learning and stimulate discussion during team meetings
- Foster, Adoption, Kin and Customary care support/education groups
- Agency Board members and other volunteers to deepen their understanding of Child Welfare services
- OnLAC and PRIDE trainers as a resource for their training sessions or trainer development
Click here to view a trailer for the Understanding and Integrating the Ontario Practice Modelwebcasts.
The full webcast series can be downloaded in both video (mp4) and audio (mp3) formats below. Both formats deliver the same information.
Each module is approximately 40 minutes in length. Portions of the introduction are repeated as a refresher at the start of each module.
Click the links below to download the video or audio modules of your choice. If required, details on how to download a video (mp4) or audio (mp3) file to your computer/handheld device and be found in the Technical Instructions section at the bottom of this page.
Video Modules (mp4) |
Audio Modules (mp3) |
A companion guide has been developed to support a child welfare agency’s use of the Understanding and Integrating the Ontario Practice Model webcasts. It includes discussion questions and suggested activities to deepen the understanding of the Ontario Practice Model.
For further information on the Ontario Practice Model: |
Technical Instructions
The video files can be best viewed in VLC media player (free download) http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html, or alternatively, in Windows Media Player.
For instructions on how to download a video (mp4) or audio (mp3) file to your computer, see: http://pcsupport.about.com/od/fileextensions/f/mp4file.htm
For instructions on how to download a video(mp4) or audio (mp3) file from a PC or Mac to your iphone/ipad/apple product, see: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1296
For instructions on how to download a video (mp4) or audio (mp3) file to an Android product, see: http://www.talkandroid.com/guides/misc/how-to-transfer-files-to-your-android-device-via-wifi-or-mobile-networks/
For instructions on how to download a video (mp4) or audio (mp3) file to a Blackberry product, see: http://worldwide.blackberry.com/gettingstarted/?CPID=OTC-GETSTARTED