Dress Purple Day 2024

Every October, children’s aid societies and Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being Agencies (child welfare agencies), together with their community partners, raise awareness about the importance of supporting vulnerable children, youth, and families through the provincial Dress Purple Day campaign. 

Dress Purple Day 2024 is on Friday, October 25.

We invite all Ontarians to wear something purple to show children, youth, and families that they are here to help!

Images of a diverse group of people with the logo "there to care campaign" in English and "présent au bon moment" in French

Amidst a steady decline in foster care placement availability, OACAS launched the provincial ‘There to Care’ Campaign. With the need for foster caregivers now greater than ever, this initiative aims to underscore the vital role of foster caregivers, emphasizing their profound impact on children, youth, families, and communities.

One Vision One Voice: Changing Child Welfare in Ontario to Better Serve African Canadians

One Vision One Voice is a program led by the African Canadian community. It is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services through the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies and addresses the overrepresentation and experiences of disparities faced by African Canadians after coming into contact with the child welfare system.

illustration of Black girl and boy

Know Your Rights

On January 1, 2020, Part X of the Child, Youth, and Family Services Act came into force, creating a new access and privacy framework for Ontario’s child and family services sector. The Information and Privacy Commissioner will oversee these new rules for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.

To raise awareness of access and privacy rights among, children, youth and families, the IPC has prepared a brochureposter and quick reference card.

The IPC has also developed  resources for service providers. These include a guide to Part X, a guide to tracking and submitting annual statistics to the IPC and reporting privacy breaches to the IPC.

Child Welfare in Ontario: A Shared Responsibility

This brochure answers common questions about how CASs work with individuals like you to support families and keep children and youth safe and well.

Watch our video to better understand child welfare…you might be surprised.

Reconciliation Journey

Watch “A Moment on the Path” a documentary about the gathering at Geneva Park and Rama First Nation where Ontario’s Children’s Aid Societies acknowledged and apologized for the harmful role child welfare has played historically, and continues to play, in the lives of Ontario Indigenous children, families, and communities.

Learn More About Child Welfare

A screener from Children’s Aid talks about her role in working with the public to keep children safe.

Your call could be the most important in a child’s life. This video explains why.

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