OACAS is pleased to announce that adopted youth are now eligible for the Aftercare Benefits Initiative (ABI).
The ABI program, which provides health, dental, counselling, and life skills support services to former youth in care aged 21 to 25, was launched 2 years ago. Last year, the eligibility criteria were expanded to give youth on social assistance (i.e., Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Program) access to the counselling and life skills support services. As of June 1, 2016, the criteria have been further modified to permit adopted youth aged 18 to 25 to enroll, for a maximum of 4 consecutive years.
Enrollment in ABI continues to grow each year. At the end of the 2015-2016 fiscal year there were 1393 plan members, including 1165 youth and 228 dependent children. This was a 64% increase from 2014-2015. An additional 125 youth on social assistance were enrolled to access the counselling and life skills support services only.
Check out our infographic below to learn more about the Aftercare Benefits Initiative, or visit www.oacas.org/abi.