The Aftercare Benefits Initiative (ABI or ABI program) is a health and dental benefits program available to eligible former youth in care. The ABI program supports the transition into adulthood and improves access to health services.
Launched on July 31, 2014, ABI offers free benefit coverage to former youth in care between 21 and 25 years of age or 18 and 25 for adopted youth who are not eligible for health benefits through another plan.
For a maximum of four (4) consecutive years, the program provides a broad range of benefit coverage, including prescription drugs, dental, vision, extended health benefits, counselling, and life skills support services that are not covered through OHIP+.
ABI is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) and is administered by the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS).
GreenShield Canada
1-888-711-1119 www.gsceverywhere.ca/login
Homewood Health
Being part of the ABI program entitles eligible youth to two different types of service:
- GreenShield Canada provides health and dental benefits for youth between 21 and 25 years old or 18 to 25 for adopted youth.
- Homewood Health provides counselling and life skills supports for youth between 21 and 29 years old.
What is covered?
- Prescription drugs, including a smoking cessation program
- Extended Health Services, such as hearing care and prescribed footwear
- Dental, including both basic diagnostic and preventive services
- Vision, including optometric eye exams, prescription eyeglasses or medical contact lenses
- Professional services, such as chiropractor, physiotherapist, psychologist.
- Mental health and wellness services, such as mental health counselling, financial coaching, career coaching, and more.
To enroll in the ABI program, a child welfare agency staff member must complete the NEW* ABI Registration Form on behalf of the youth they support.
*For adopted youth, please reach out to your child welfare agency for support with the ABI Registration Form.
If you are unsure which agency to contact, view the list of child welfare agencies in Ontario here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Who is not eligible for ABI?
Ineligible youth include those youth who:
- Were not eligible to receive Continued Care and Support for Youth (CCSY) or Extended Society Care (ESC)
- Are not between 21 and 25 years of age or 18 to 25 for adopted youth
- Were adopted before June 1, 2016
- Have benefit coverage under another plan provider (e.g., health plan provided by an employer, spouse, school, or adoptive family)
- Are receiving social assistance (e.g. Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). *Some exception applies. Please refer to the ABI Eligibility Chart.
- Were in the care of a child welfare agency outside of Ontario
- Live outside of Canada
I’m covered under the Ontario Disability Program (ODSP) and/or Ontario Works (OW). Can I enroll in the ABI program?
If you are receiving or in receipt of OW or ODSP, you would not be eligible to receive the extended health benefits coverage through the ABI program.
However, you may be eligible to receive counselling and life skills support services through the ABI program, under Homewood Health, so long as you are not receiving these services from another source. To enroll in the counselling and life skills support services, please contact your worker to complete the online ABI Registration form.
Upon acceptance, you will receive a welcome package via e-mail with pertinent documents and registration information.
Are adopted youth eligible?
Youth who were adopted on or after June 1, 2016, and are between 18 and 25 years of age may be eligible for ABI, for a maximum of four (4) consecutive years under the condition that the youth is not enrolled or covered for benefits under another source (e.g. health plan provided by an employer, spouse, school or adoptive family).
How do I enroll in the ABI program?
To enroll in the ABI program, your worker will need to complete the online ABI Registration Form. Please contact your worker. Together, you will fill out the ABI application form.
If I’m already connected to GreenShield Canada via the KARE program, do I need to re-register into the benefits program?
Yes, if you were in the KARE program through your local agency, you will need to register for the ABI program. However, for a seamless transition, agencies who are on the KARE program with GreenShield Canada can use the ABI Registration Form to transfer a youth’s profile from KARE to ABI. Please contact your worker. Together, you will fill out the ABI application form.
When does a worker receive notice that a transfer sheet is complete?
Once GSC has completed a transfer enrolment for a youth, GSC will notify the ABI team. The ABI team at OACAS will then send a confirmation email to the worker, advising them that the transfer has been completed and a welcome package will be sent via email to the youth shortly thereafter.
How do I update my contact information if it’s incorrect or has changed?
Email abi@oacas.org with your updated information and we will change it for you.
Are my dependent(s)/child(ren) covered under ABI?
Yes, dependent(s)/child(ren) of ABI plan members are covered under the benefits plan. If you have not registered for the ABI program, please connect with your worker to fill out the application form necessary to complete your enrolment. If you are already enrolled in the ABI program and need to add your dependent(s)/ child(ren), please email us at abi@oacas.org.
How do I add a dependent/child(ren) to my ABI plan?
To add a dependent/child(ren), please email abi@oacas.org with the following information:
- Youth’s full first and last name
- Youth’s date of birth
- Youth’s dependent/child(ren) full first and last name
- Youth’s dependent/child(ren) date of birth
- Youth’s dependent/child(ren) gender
How long does ABI last for?
You can be enrolled in the ABI program for a maximum of 4 consecutive years. The GreenShield portion of this plan expires on your 25th birthday (the last day you have coverage is the day before you turn 25). Member and family assistance services like counselling and life skills support from Homewood Health can be accessed until your 29th birthday (last day of coverage is the day before you turn 29).
*Please plan for this transition, as we do not provide notice that your coverage is ending. There are no exceptions to the expiry date(s).
What if my situation changes and I become eligible for another benefit plan?
You must advise the OACAS ABI team if your circumstances change and you become eligible for health benefits under another plan. If you register for Ontario Works (OW) or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), you may still be eligible for the counselling and life skills supports. Please refer to the ABI Eligibility Chart.
What if I live out of province?
If you are a former youth in Extended Society Care of an Ontario children’s aid society or Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being Agency and you live in Canada, you are eligible.
However, please advise us if you move! There is no travel coverage under ABI, therefore nothing is payable when a youth is travelling or moves outside of Canada.
Is my partner/spouse covered under ABI?
No, spousal/partners benefit coverages are not covered under this program.
What if I’m studying and have benefits through my university/college?
If you choose to opt out of your school health benefits plan, you can apply for ABI. Otherwise, you will not be eligible for benefits in the ABI program.
What happens if an Indigenous youth also has access to Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) coverage?
The Federal plan (NIHB) is the last payor and enrollment with ABI does not compromise a young person’s NIHB coverage. Any claims that are sent to GreenShield first would be paid.
However, if they went to the NIHB plan first and there was any remainder, the remainder would be adjudicated through the GreenShield plan.
What happens if I’m receiving Ready, Set, Go (RSG)? Can I enroll in ABI at the same time?
Youth who are eligible for the RSG program and/or are currently enrolled in the RSG program, are not eligible for ABI and will be required to remain on the agency’s KARE (or equivalent) plan.
What if I don’t have a permanent mailing address?
If you do not have a permanent address, you may use an alternative location where you can receive mail (e.g., your former children’s aid society).
Who do I contact if I have questions/inquiries?
For general inquiries about ABI, including eligibility and verifications, please contact OACAS’s ABI team at abi@oacas.org.
For specific personal claim or coverage inquiries, please contact Green Shield (1-888-711-1119) directly.
For counselling related inquiries, please contact Homewood Health (1-800-663-1142).
When does a youth receive their GreenShield Canada (GSC) card?
Cards are mailed out directly by GSC and you can expect to receive your card within 2-4 weeks, upon enrolment.
What is “Direct Billing” and why is it important?
Direct Billing is when a service provider (e.g., pharmacy, dentist) submits a claim on your behalf and bills GreenShield Canada (GSC) directly for a service completed. No “out of pocket” payment should be incurred unless the service provided is not eligible for claim through your plan.
It is a requirement of this plan to have service providers work directly with GSC to have claims submitted directly between both parties. Please ask your service provider BEFORE accessing services to confirm that they will be able to bill GSC for services rendered. GSC will work with your provider(s) to set up direct billing. It’s an easy process that can be completed online or by calling GSC directly.
Can I sign up for direct deposit?
No, ABI plan members cannot pay for services and submit claims to be reimbursed by either direct deposit or cheque. You must find providers who will bill GreenShield Canada on your behalf and do not require payment upfront.
When can I begin using the benefits of ABI?
You can begin accessing the benefits of ABI as soon as you are enrolled. Once you’ve been enrolled, the ABI team will send a welcome package, along with your GSC ID, to your e-mail. A hard copy package with your card and benefit plan details should arrive in 2-3 weeks.
What should I do if I already paid for a service out of pocket?
Contact abi@oacas.org if you have paid for services out of pocket while participating in the ABI program. Include in your email a copy of your receipt which shows what services you received, when, and how much you paid.
What if my service provider wants me to pay for services out of pocket?
Since plan members cannot pay for services and submit claims for reimbursement, you need to tell your service provider that they must set up direct billing with GreenShield Canada. This can be done easily at www.providerconnect.ca or by contacting Green Shield at 1-888-711-1119.
Helpful Resources
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