HOME > Summer 2008 - Volume 52 - Number 2

By Stephen Gill

This is not the first time
when we had to put out
fire in his room.
His windows are often shattered,
the mattress slashed,
and the floor is littered
with the Kleenex and other objects.
The walls present
a portrait of crude wasteland
outlined with profanities.

He uses
the dagger of taunts
to wound his opponents.
From his assaults
not even his teachers
and playmates are exempt.

He carries
a lake of incredible rage.
Verbal abuse is his
constant tool.
He is hardly ten
but through the skylight of his eyes
one can perceive more.
His appearance is a blend of
no worries
no hope
and several deep despairs.

He comes from a home
neglect and desertion
were common.
The social workers
had to remove him.

What was this boy exposed to
and what triggers his outbursts?
No one will ever know
the tip of the iceberg.

Previous article: Book Review

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